1. Ogibayashi,S.Takashima,K.:”Analysis of Business Cycle and Fund Circulation in Multi-Agent Simulation of an Artificial Economic System Composed of Consumers,Producers and a Bank ”The 3rd World Congress on Social Simulation, Sep.,2010(査読有)
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  2. 荻林成章,高島幸成:「価格・生産・投資調整機能を内包した人工経済システムの資金循環マルチエージェントシミュレーション」,第43回システム工学部会研究会,計測自動制御学会,pp133-138,3月,2010(査読無)
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  3. Ogibayashi,S.,Takashima,K.:”Multi-Agent Simulation of Fund Circulation in an Artificial Economic System Involving Self-Adjusting Mechanism of Price, Production and Investment”,ICIC Express Letters, Vol.4,No.3(B),pp877-884,June,2010(査読有)
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  4. Toshihiro Ioi,Luo Xiao Yan,Shigeaki Ogibayashi:"Management of Consensus-Building Processes in an Urban Industrial Environment"Proceedings of the 5h International Conference on Project Management , Makuhari, Japan, A04, pp22-30, ISBN 978-4-902378-19-1, October, 2010
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