1. Ogibayashi, S.: “An Agent-Based Model of Infectious Diseases that Incorporates the Role of Immune Cells and Antibodies”, 6th European Congress on Infectious Diseases, Oct. 4, 2024, Amsterdam, Netherlands
    (発表資料:infectious Diseases 2024kaiF.pdf
  2. Ogibayashi, S.: “An Agent-Based Model of Infectious Diseases that Incorporate the Role of Immune Cells and Antibodies”, 2nd European Congress on Biomedical Science and Engineering, Oct. 8, 2024, London, UK
    (発表資料:BIOMED 2024_ogibayashi.pdf
  3. Ogibayashi, S.: “An Agent-Based Model of Infectious Diseases that Incorporate the Role of Immune Cells and Antibodies”, 3rd International Conference on Infectious Diseases, Oct. 24, 2024, Narita, Japan
  4. 荻林成章:「メカニズム指向ABMシミュレーション研究部会」日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会秋季全国大会資料,pp.11-12, 11月(2024)
  5. 荻林成章:「免疫及び抗体を考慮したエージェントベース感染モデル」,日本シミュレーション&ゲーミング学会秋季全国大会,pp.17-18, 11月(2024)